Tons Of Tips- Tip #1

At least once a day(unless I'm really busy) I am going to post a tip about Swagbucks. This tip can be about anything from searching to special offers to the my account page. So check back here everyday to keep up with advice from yours truly.

Tip #1:
If you upload a picture to Swagbucks before April 1st then on April 1st you will be rewarded 13 Swagbucks. You can upload your photo by going here. It's on the left side of that page. Make sure that the photo you upload is appropriate. If it isn't Swagbucks could ban you from the site. Start the Uploading!

2 Response to "Tons Of Tips- Tip #1"

  1. Nicole says:

    Here's a suggestion for the tips... just yesterday TSG wrote a blog that next week the randomizer will be less tight (he said maybe smaller denominations, but up to 5 hits per day). Also, starting next week, there will be daily polls that you get Swagbucks just for voting on!

    Unknown says:

    Ok, Thanks. I will be adding more tips soon and those two things will definitely be on them.

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