Swagbucks Referrals Even More Valuable!


I just found out that Swagbucks referrals now give 10% of their swagbucks from most ways to earn FOR LIFE!

This makes these referrals even more valuable! So start trying to get more referrals!

Swagbucks Review!

Please sign up for Swagbucks through my referral link:

New Swagbucks Blog!!

Please go to my new blog for Swagbucks. Cleaner and includes new information about Swagbucks and my goals and so much more: http://myswagbucksbusiness.blogspot.com/

New Hub!

I have started a new blog at http://ptcstudent.blogspot.com. It's all about my new business model I am working on, come on over and check it out!

Swagbucks Tip #1: Earn Cash from Watching Videos

Hello, everyone. I just wanted to give you a quick tip about Swagbucks you may not have known. My goal is to help you earn more on Swagbucks. I have redeemed over $300 from Swagbucks and I want you to have this kind of success as well.

So, now onto the tip. Swagbucks TV is a great way to earn just from watching videos. Just like Sidetick TV, you can have it in another tab and earn. The only difference is that it is separate videos so you have to keep going back to the page and clicking on a new video. You can earn up to 750 Swagbucks per day.

Still, it's easy Swagbucks! And that is your Swagbucks Tip! Start watching videos to earn those Swagbucks.

Sidetick TV - A New Way To Earn by Watching Video

People love watching TV. People love earning money. Why not combine the two? Well Sidetick has done it and quite well, I might add.

Sidetick is a social networking website that pays you. You can earn on Sidetick by commenting on daily blog posts by Jenny Stein answering her "Question of the Day"! This will earn you $0.13. Not a lot, but for a few seconds work, it's not bad.

But now Sidetick added "Sidetick TV" to the mix. So now you can earn while watching TV online. Pretty cool, right? That's not all! You can have it in a different tab and be doing something else and still earn money! (In fact, I'm doing so right now.) Although, I expect an update to that soon.

So how do you start earning money on Sidetick TV? Just go to the page, sign up, and start watching TV. It's really that simple. What are you waiting for?

Payment Proof- Neobux #3

This is my third payment from Neobux. My first can be found here and second here. My total earnings from Neobux is now $9.30. If you don't know about Neobux, check out this post and this one.

Now the proof:


Payment Proof- Swagbucks Amazon Cards #1 + #2

Well, in reality, this isn't my first two Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks. I got a two $5 Amazon Gift Card for 450 Swagbucks.
This will be $115 total in Amazon Gift Cards.
With $125 total earnings on Swagbucks.
Search & Win

Now the proof:


Payment Proof- Sidetick #3

I have gotten my third payout from Sidetick for $25. Sidetick is a website where you make money for using a social networking site, similar to Facebook. Check out my post about Sidetick. This will tell you all the basics to Sidetick.
After this payment I have earned $75 on this website.

Now on to the proof:


Payment Proof- Swagbucks Paypal #2

Well, in reality, this isn't my second payment from Swagbucks. But it's the second proof for a Paypal gift card. I got a $5 Paypal Gift Card for 700 Swagbucks.
This will be $10 total in Paypal Gift Cards.
With $115 total earnings on Swagbucks.
Search & Win

Now the proof:


Payment Proof- Neobux #2

This is my second payment from Neobux. My first can be found here. My total earnings from Neobux is now $4.96. If you don't know about Neobux, check out this post and this one

Now the proof:


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