Milestone Update: Swagbucks!
Why This Milestone Is Exciting?
Well, first of all, it's exciting because it's $100 that I didn't have before. Also thinking back to August of 2009 I never thought I would make that much money from Swagbucks. I had always just assumed I would make a few bucks and then the site would close down or I'd stop earning. But that didn't happen and now I consistently make about $10 a month.
What May Change?
This has nothing to do with me earning the milestone, but I might start redeeming for Paypal money. Amazon money is limited on what you can do with it. Although it can get most things, I wanted stuff to improve this blog and my other blog. I can't use Amazon money for that. But this will make me have to get 700 Swagbucks to make $5, so I'm hesitant.
Next Milestone For Swagbucks
The next milestone I'm striving for is $250 made off of Swagbucks. I hope to complete it before the end of 2011. We'll see what happens.
Sidetick 2nd Payout
I have gotten my second payout from Sidetick. Sidetick is a website where you make money for using a social networking site, similar to Facebook. Check out my post about Sidetick. This will tell you all the basics to Sidetick.
After this payment I have earned $50 on this website.
Now on to the proof:
Place to Put Your Referral Link While Making Money
Introduction and Update
Hello, readers. Before I get into the real reason for this post. I want to say that the postings I make to this site will probably go down for a while. I started a new blog called Simply Learn Business and I think I'll spend more of the little free time I have on that. I will still post to this blog every once in a while, so subscribing to this blog through email would probably be a good idea. Do that by finding the widget to the right side that allows you to enter your email address. Now, on to the feature segment.
I started writing to make more money. I figured that writing more will strengthen my blog posts. So I started to write to a site called Bukisa. This site allows to make money for the views on the articles you write. Find my articles here. I have written 10 articles and currently have made 14 cents. So in other words, if you want to get rich quick....don't go to Bukisa. It takes time to build up a good stream of readers and a lot of articles. But once you do you can start earning hundreds a month. It takes time to build up but it can be very rewarding.
How can Bukisa help you?
Bukisa is a great place to place your Swagbucks referral link. So all you have to do is write an article that is related to Swagbucks or Making Money Online. This has gotten me a few referrals. I'm sure if I focused more on my referral link I could get more. But I don't. My articles are basically about online business, a subject I have become very interested in. Also Bukisa can become a way to earn you money. For every 1000 views you make $3.22. It's a hard amount to reach but it gets easier and easier. So if you keep out you can making tons of money. Also, as I have already said, it can improve your writing. So if you write a blog, or write anything for that matter, it is a great place to gain some more skills.
Sum It Up
So this post let you guys know about my new blog. Also it gave you another site to earn money from. Lastly it gave you another place to put your referral links. Hopefully this will get you guys tons of referrals. I wish the best to you all.